He asked her to give it to him, but she was unable
Because you see, he hadnt earned it yet
He expected that he would receive it unconditionally
but he needed to play his part first, give of himself
but he hadnt, so his touch was awkward
the glimmer in her eye gone, his esteem diminished
she no longer dreamt of being held in his strong arms
no longer longed to look in his eyes and lose herself
because she could no longer find herself in
her father's eyes
he asked her to give it to him, but she was unable
Because you see, he hadnt earned it yet
he hadnt earned it, so he couldnt demand it
he hadnt earned her respect
respect is not to be asked, requested or petitioned
it is to be demanded
and not only with words, not only with deeds
but character and standards
respect, like charity begins with you
and then others will catch it too
it comes from being clear, transparent
and never underhanded
it comes from holding high esteem
of people who surround you
from respecting others you gain respect
from everyone around you
respect, it grows from servitude
so you must be a servant too
a noble lad, a faithful lass,
wherever fate has bound you
so if you ever want respect, show that you are capable of giving
give love, give cheer, give hope and faith and never give regret
and if you heed these words today and make it a way of living
you'll get that thing you want the most, my friend, you'll get respect